Series Description: Former detective Alex Donovan leads a team of volunteers known as The Forgotten Network, a dedicated group of amateur sleuths that takes on murder cases after the police have reached a dead end, unable even to identify the deceased. The group, meeting in coffee shops and living rooms to discuss the evidence in each case, works persistently to learn the identities of the victims before they are buried as a John or Jane Doe. Then members turn their attention to catching the killers. Each member of the team has a different motivation for being part of the group -- Donovan left the police force after his young daughter disappeared. Candace Butler uses her work in the group to escape the crushing boredom of her job. Science teacher Lindsey Drake uses the network as a form of penance for a crime committed by her husband. True-crime enthusiast Walter Bailey simply wants to help, and med-school dropout Tyler Davies was assigned to the network as his community service
Episode Synopsis: Alex Donovan leads the Forgotten Network, diverse civilians, to identify "Highway Jane," a young victim whose corpse was left in a woods.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Forgotten: Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot
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9:07 PM
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The Forgotten: Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot,
The Forgotten.
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